Xiong Li Jun - Statement
“I am free at last to be the person I want to be, the woman I am and the artist I always have been. Modern Chinese society has blossomed and I strive to celebrate our coming of age. My body of work embodies human spirit and flaunts unencumbered, child-like, carefree, individual freedom of expression. The ability to look up at our once oppression with open arms and a smile. No longer do we have to endure personal humiliation, senseless sacrifice and stifling suffocation as a way of life. All of youth is united in victory to enjoy the simple things in life; yet, pursue our dreams that we love and contribute our talents as we chose. To grow and to prosper spiritually. I combine brilliant colors, water and fluid motion with vibrant content and energetic subjects on large scale compositions to declare our belief that our future is bright and cheerful.”